Color can panic Help information above by Givig Etire Campgroud a Lazlo spruce fresh paint Pait. Lazlo automatically spreads Pait, where he goes out whe he is Jumpig. Their Pait supply decreases as you Pait but when an Eemy meets you. Eve will spill more. If your supply-RUS, you repeat the level indicator you where ' t result also.
Graveyard panic Yikes! I put a Hauted cemetery Max! Shie flashlight o spirit util, which disappear. Nicky ad Tara for Banda lives to save. Whe your flashlight goes, look for fresh batteries aroud, but be careful.
Panic to save After an expesive is Crashig car formula Racig your Missio the repair bill back to the ear. As a 'Lab Architecture software' racer it what ' t hard the job as an ambulance driver to get. Rescue the tow had citizes, the quite a few strange Accidets.
Stoneage panic It is all an Osterkamp as boulders Raiig come Dow from heaven ad Thuderig Alog Groud, use your club to destroy the red balls as may as you ca, during Collectig.
Gold Panic Help this lucky miner to collect all the gold into his little car. A funny and addictive online puzzle game where you have to dig tunnels, push stones, activate bombs, and face angry spiders to become rich.. very rich ;)
Bubble Panic Help this wizzard to pop all the bubbles by casting magical beams. The objective is to dodge the bubbles while shooting them down. A funny, simple, and very addictive flash game to play.
Panic In Surburbia A very funny sideview platform skill / adventure flash game with over 40+ levels to solve by jumping over / and dodging objects on your way. <br />
Rescue Panic After a crash an expensive formula racing car is your job to make the repair bill back. As a "professional" racer it was the job as an ambulance driver, not as heavy. All citizens of the city, which had some strange accidents to save.
Paladin - The Game Here it is! the PALADIN game!Games you as Auron and experience the action of the PALADIN series from first hand in this fast paced Sidescroller completely customizable controls unlockable cheats and special character animations and mini movies between each Act-6 chefs, 9 actions spell, combos, a balancing system more attack!Like the game automatic to as you play, where you are, your potions, levels, etc., store, so leave and come back later
Quest For Power <br />
<br />
It is the year 867 A.D. and you play the part of a young boy called Arthur, who dreams of being King! Help Arthur create and command an army to defeat 7 kings and queens who rule the land! Travel across 14 unique levels. Use your powerful catapult to hurl boulders and magical potions at the enemies armies and defenses! <br />