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Sindjid Game, 56,392 times played
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It was dark, as dark as night cloud be. Somewhere, nearby, the smell of sort of pleasant stench, that and of course the smell of blood. The mighty warlord, Lord Baka, high above on a cliff, gazed down upon the tiny village. He had ordered his soldiers to leave no survivors. Should Lrd Baka be a normal man, hewould have already been consumed with his guilt. But yet, he felt no shame, no remorse, no pity. Many innocent lives have been ended by his order, why should it change? He turned around and walked back to his tent.
How to play?
Below, a warrior fought his way to the exit of the little village. Upon reaching the gate, he was confronted by no less than six adversaries. They attempted to surround him, but this was what Fujin was waiting for, with one 360 degree horizontal slash, he hacked them aside with his sword. The warrior continued running into the bamboo forest. His name was Fujin. Soon he came to a clearing. Another man was standing there.
Hattori, the legendary guardian of the lands, was awaiting fujin. After handing his young son to Fujin, and explaining the situation, he grabbed his sword and runs off towards to village, never to be seen by fujin nor his son, Sinji, ever again.
Good luck
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