Explores and discovers all the secrets of this sensational graphical adventure, created by Warner Bros, the game Steppenwolf, X-creatures project is split in 24 episodes, you need to unlock each mystery, overcome obstacles, decide the fate of the hero in the game. Prepare yourself for high adventure!
Steppenwolf 4 Game In Steppenwolf : The X-Creatures Project, you guide the characters through an interactive series of action and logic based puzzles. To succeed, your objectives are to :<br>
- Watch the scenes for valuble clues.<br>
- Collect inventory items to help you overcome obstacles.<br>
- Survive to the end of the episode.<br>
To help you along on your quest, the game is divided into thwo major components :<br>
<i>Main Game Screen :</i> Where all the action takes place<br>
<i>Inventory Screen : </i> Where you acsess stored information and inventory items.