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Play Bus Games online and free at Colouredgames.
  • Sarkar busSarkar bus

    Sarkar bus
    Does ' t Sarakr bus stop pick up poor citizes. It is your responsibility to ru, after the Sarkar bus ad board.

  • Maze game - game play 14Maze game - game play 14

    Maze game - game play 14
    Lead the young to reach the bus stop.

  • Bridge bomber busBridge bomber bus

    Bridge bomber bus
    Ride aroud I shoot your bus Pedestrias, ad TAKS helicopter missiles.

  • PassengerPassenger

    Help the old Ma Mai Tai his balace Iside the bus.

  • Girl wait DressupGirl wait Dressup

    Girl wait Dressup
    She is Waitig for a bus ride. CA you wear choose an ice dress?

  • Scania DriverScania Driver

    Scania Driver
    drive your system, large and later on a bus as you maintain your speed, watch your gas levels and more.

  • Mo'bike!Mo'bike!

    Pull back the throttle, and the ramp - not too much upside or you pull a wheelie - and jump the buses, the ring of fire and the generator!

  • Challenge Churchill GameChallenge Churchill Game

    Challenge Churchill Game
    Take to the air in a hot air balloon in a race against the Churchill bus to cover the country!

  • Stunt BikeStunt Bike

    Stunt Bike
    Drove your bike onto the ramp and see how buses you can jump over with.

  • GusVs Bus2 GameGusVs Bus2 Game

    GusVs Bus2 Game
    When Gus tries to catch that bus, it's no game. But just like in Gus vs. Bus, can he skate fast enough and still make it over all of the obstacles to get it?

  • GUS vs busGUS vs bus

    GUS vs bus
    GUS goes on the bus Miss o gameit is the last day of school ad, when he missed the bus, which he there will sit down for the summer! Help him catch up before it is too late.

  • Gus Vs. Bus 2: L8R SK8RGus Vs. Bus 2: L8R SK8R

    Gus Vs. Bus 2: L8R SK8R
    When Gus tries to take this bus, there is no game. but just like in Gus bus, he can vs enough skate fast and still make it to get over all obstacles?

  • Gus vs. BusGus vs. Bus

    Gus vs. Bus
    Gus is about to miss the bus this is no gameit's the last day of school and if he misses the bus he'll be stuck there for the summer! Help him catch up before it's too late.  

  • The Junk Yard GamesThe Junk Yard Games

    The Junk Yard Games
    Running a junkyard can be dangerous business. Your objective in this game is to work as a crane operator and move trashed cars, trucks and buses to the compactor.

  • School Bus LicenseSchool Bus License

    School Bus License
    You all students to school on time, without anything crashing delivery! Do well, and you will a full blown bus driver! Good luck!

  • Burger boyBurger boy

    Burger boy
    O click here the Burger Grill ad bus o who download couter. Whe the burgers are good DOE, drag all requested items to customers, before she upset will display.

  • Boogley bus stopBoogley bus stop

    Boogley bus stop

  • Spongebob Squarepants atlantic Squarepants Bus RusSpongebob Squarepants atlantic Squarepants Bus Rus

    Spongebob Squarepants atlantic Squarepants Bus Rus
    move through the maze and solve the puzzles as you enemies in the maze.

  • Harry Potter bus drivingHarry Potter bus driving

    Harry Potter bus driving
    Your task is to pick up Straded Assistant A.d. witch ad delivering them to their Destiatio.

  • Mo Bike GameMo Bike Game

    Mo Bike Game
    Pull back the throttle and head for the ramp. Not too much or you will pull a wheelie. Jump the buses, the ring of fire, and the generator!

  • JunkyardJunkyard

    Your objective in this game is to work as a crane operator and move trashed cars, trucks and buses to the compactor. The trick is stacking the cars so that they don't fall over. During each level you are given a weight quota of vehicles to stack and a limited time to do it in. Aim carefully with the crane and try to stack the cars neatly - the neater the pile the more compact the final product will be (and the more points given). Once you have reached your quota weight, you must then operate the compactor directly to squash the vehicles into a small cube. Try to maximize the power settings for vertical and horizontal compaction to get the best result and score.        .

  • JunkyardJunkyard

    Your objective in this game is to work as a crane operator and move trashed cars, trucks and buses to the compactor. The trick is stacking the cars so that they don't fall over. During each level you are given a weight quota of vehicles to stack and a limited time to do it in. Aim carefully with the crane and try to stack the cars neatly - the neater the pile the more compact the final product will be (and the more points given). Once you have reached your quota weight, you must then operate the compactor directly to squash the vehicles into a small cube. Try to maximize the power settings for vertical and horizontal compaction to get the best result and score.     

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