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Play Fast Games online and free at Colouredgames.
  • Dress up Against Time 16 GameDress up Against Time 16 Game

    Dress up Against Time 16 Game
    Fast and beautiful...

  • Car Race GameCar Race Game

    Car Race Game
    Fast paced top-down car racing game - lots of fun!

  • The Archer GameThe Archer Game

    The Archer Game
    Kill your enemy as fast as you can!

  • 3D Motorbike Game3D Motorbike Game

    3D Motorbike Game
    Throw on a helmet and get racing in this fast paced motorcycle game!

  • Movie Munchies GameMovie Munchies Game

    Movie Munchies Game
    Help Stella serve the customers as fast as possible.

  • Fast Food Follies GameFast Food Follies Game

    Fast Food Follies Game
    Go through the fast food grease burger restaurant and shoot your way out.

  • Crazy Police Car GameCrazy Police Car Game

    Crazy Police Car Game
    Drive as fast as possible!

  • Kindergarten GameKindergarten Game

    Kindergarten Game
    Keep the babies happy by fulfilling their needs as fast as you can.

  • Monster DashMonster Dash

    Monster Dash
    Collect as many CVs as you can in this fast action skill game.

  • Super RaceSuper Race

    Super Race
    Race with super fast race car and win race

  • Quick DrawQuick Draw

    Quick Draw
    Destroy your enemies by using fast weapons. 

  • Red RacerRed Racer

    Red Racer
    You earn your red car to race fast. 

  • Rocky rider gameRocky rider game

    Rocky rider game
    Complete each level as fast as you can and don't crash your car.

  • Biking Beauty 2Biking Beauty 2

    Biking Beauty 2
    Ride your bike through different obstacles in the playground as fast as you can!

  • LeechLeech

    Feed the leech as much blood as fast as you can.

  • Barbie Puzzle 3Barbie Puzzle 3

    Barbie Puzzle 3
    Help finish the puzzle in very fast way.

  • SwordsmanSwordsman

    Defeat your enemies in this fast paced sword fighting game.

  • Firestorm 2Firestorm 2

    Firestorm 2
    A number of very fast and fun mini-games!

  • Sulky RidersSulky Riders

    Sulky Riders
    Race with your horse as fast as you can.

  • Mt. RunamuckMt. Runamuck

    Mt. Runamuck
    See how fast you below Mt. Runamuck can do it!

  • The fast and the FuriousThe fast and the Furious

    The fast and the Furious
    The fast and furious game

  • Hard TargetHard Target

    Hard Target
    Hard target coming hard and fast!

  • Speedway ChallengeSpeedway Challenge

    Speedway Challenge
    Race around the track as fast as possible in your super car!

  • Rapid RandyRapid Randy

    Rapid Randy
    Randy great fast online shoot game!

  • Mario Motocross Mania 2Mario Motocross Mania 2

    Mario Motocross Mania 2
    Run your Moto Bike and collect stars in Mario Motocross Mania 2 really fast!

  • Puppy RedPuppy Red

    Puppy Red
    Two FID of same pictures as fast as you ca!

  • SpeedSpeed

    Test your champion rally driver skills I this fast display angry Racig game speed!

  • Billiard blitzBilliard blitz

    Billiard blitz
    Smash your way through this fast Hancock pool level.

  • Picnic puzzlePicnic puzzle

    Picnic puzzle
    Solve the puzzle as fast as you ca

  • Grab a snack hurdlesGrab a snack hurdles

    Grab a snack hurdles
    Stroked by the v as fast as you ca

  • Word search gameplay - 55Word search gameplay - 55

    Word search gameplay - 55
    FID the words I fast the encrypted words.

  • Run run furyRun run fury

    Run run fury
    Ru a Madma, minimum time, cops, I need this game fast actio shooter!

  • Caravan Park itCaravan Park it

    Caravan Park it
    see how fast you ca a Carava park.

  • Peppy's Bruce Willis dress upPeppy's Bruce Willis dress up

    Peppy's Bruce Willis dress up
    Although fast or die hard.

  • Lily Allen the fear!Lily Allen the fear!

    Lily Allen the fear!
    Fast display Challegig vertical Scrollig game - ca escape the fear?

  • Welcome to air hockeyWelcome to air hockey

    Welcome to air hockey
    Play a fast paced air hockey AGAIST a computer.

  • Sort my tiles TarzanSort my tiles Tarzan

    Sort my tiles Tarzan
    Fill Tarza as fast as you ca.

  • FranticFrantic

    A fast-paced ad fratic arcade shooter!

  • Naked melee ArmageddonNaked melee Armageddon

    Naked melee Armageddon
    Make more people by Clickig as fast as this evil Doig alie.

  • Neon 2.5Neon 2.5

    Neon 2.5
    Fast paced Shootig actio!

  • Top pizzaTop pizza

    Top pizza
    It is the 20-Saturday-rush ad EED the pizzas out fast hot to get!

  • Belle the pig in PiggyliciousBelle the pig in Piggylicious

    Belle the pig in Piggylicious
    Will you, will you be greedy these treats devour fast display!

  • Care bears - Wignut metal Mix-UpCare bears - Wignut metal Mix-Up

    Care bears - Wignut metal Mix-Up
    Install Wigut so fast CA.

  • Diesel RailcarDiesel Railcar

    Diesel Railcar
    Race through the fast as you dodge laser feces, you slowly Dow.

  • Smokin ' ACEs card killerSmokin ' ACEs card killer

    Smokin ' ACEs card killer
    Buddy Israel as fast as you ca to kill.

  • Blam! Blam!Blam! Blam!

    Blam! Blam!
    3 fast target Shootig Missios, so blow it!

  • Peel potatoPeel potato

    Peel potato
    Peel the potatoes as fast as you ca

  • Snowboard runsSnowboard runs

    Snowboard runs
    Fast display Fu game Sowboard with multiple levels, different characters, tricks, surprises can large jumps display.

  • Flip me outFlip me out

    Flip me out
    You, how fast you ca see Jack move testing.

  • Pushy porkersPushy porkers

    Pushy porkers
    Play the pushiest piglet I pig-PE i this fast-paced, Groud Gridig game!

  • Sheep gameSheep game

    Sheep game
    Flock sheep as fast ca, before to escape them.

  • Crash blackCrash black

    Crash black
    The crap out of the truck I beat the time. Are ear fast display power boost.

  • Bomb detonatorBomb detonator

    Bomb detonator
    Drive as fast as you ca for the bombs. They defuse display avoid RUIG out your time.

  • Cookie cutter: TwistedCookie cutter: Twisted

    Cookie cutter: Twisted
    Cut the crap display cut some cookies. Make how fast perfect shapes for these delicious delights ca?

  • Kore KartKore Kart

    Kore Kart
    Race crash so objects as fast as you ca through the dirt roads while Watchig out for the display of other walls so you.

  • The Wildhearts stage diveThe Wildhearts stage dive

    The Wildhearts stage dive
    Ru as fast as you ca ad diving stage display try to get as much as possible.

  • The young KissThe young Kiss

    The young Kiss
    Whe see Beatig Heart Kiss boy as fast as possible display earn Eough heart, wi the game.

  • Cupid's questCupid's quest

    Cupid's quest
    Shoot all hearts try ad so leave ay from them, you touch. Are you fast Eough?

  • Dragon journeyDragon journey

    Dragon journey
    The eggs have bee stole! All the eggs save the vulture display fast track.

  • PUP IdolPUP Idol

    PUP Idol
    Fast display pull lies are to direct the balls to the right dog. Circles to draw black balls aroud.

  • Tobby hide and seekTobby hide and seek

    Tobby hide and seek
    Take the ca ad put it i of the circle, fid your had to ad retur RUIG as fast as you ca before Aybody first there.

  • Clay pigeon shooterClay pigeon shooter

    Clay pigeon shooter
    Shoot the Movig targets fast display of both the Directios I move Advace of level ad results of highest hotspots.

  • City of the lostCity of the lost

    City of the lost
    Shoot the zombies the chase after you. Lear, how ru backwards fast shooting or you will die

  • Give him A monsterGive him A monster

    Give him A monster
    Defeat all Moster Usig your magic stick. Keep your eyes wide Opeed, are very fast.

  • Time crisis 4 training missionTime crisis 4 training mission

    Time crisis 4 training mission
    Hiding behind a corner to download. Holograms shoot fast pop AD ad as accurately as possible.

  • ParkPark

    Press to start play the timer indicator watch how fast you ca parallel parking you the car.

  • HeiroglyphHeiroglyph

    FID, the Eeded tiles I fast the murals of Paitig. Get maximum hotspots, fid, the tiles quickly.

  • Urban micro racersUrban micro racers

    Urban micro racers
    Race aroud streets the city as fast as you ca! Make sure you collect the Turbo indicator extra fuel to help!

  • ATV tag raceATV tag race

    ATV tag race
    Ride your ATV over 10 levels, as you by Tippig on hold. Take it easy if you go fast lose.

  • Bottle shooterBottle shooter

    Bottle shooter
    Dow-cowboy-style shooting games! Shoot all bottles, how fast display as you ca do before the time RUS out!

  • Sexy naughty picsSexy naughty pics

    Sexy naughty pics
    Take photos of Miley as fast and as good as possible. Get good shots to score of hotspots!

  • Burger worldBurger world

    Burger world
    It's called fast food for a Pennsylvani - time is all. Follow the jobs at the top of the game completed for your burger.

  • Truck Racing 3DTruck Racing 3D

    Truck Racing 3D
    Can I get your truck ad GO! Race as fast as you ca to them to show who is the best!

  • Zombie ATVZombie ATV

    Zombie ATV
    You're a zombie display that are Humas Chasig for you! Hop o your ATV or motorcycle display way as fast as you ca!

  • Nitro-skiNitro-ski

    Hitting I hang this free Olie ski game. Ad to run as fast as you ca pull off some awesome Stuts.

  • 3 Match adventure3 Match adventure

    3 Match adventure
    Game 3-WINS as fast as you ca to your hero of the Moster attack, attempting attacks to wi the game make combo.

  • Dragon Ball 2Dragon Ball 2

    Dragon Ball 2
    The actio is so fast-paced ad visceral Satisfyig, that it ca Geuiely appeal of Eva, the otherwise Uiterested I Drago ball.

  • Pimp My Koenigseg CCX.Pimp My Koenigseg CCX.

    Pimp My Koenigseg CCX.
    This is a car game for those who love fast cars that look awesome. Pimp it!

  • Motor MadnessMotor Madness

    Motor Madness
    Speed thrills again in this fast paced super bike adventure! Their thirst for speed, unlock more tracks and be known as a champion!

  • SkyFightersSkyFighters

    Business Dow Eemy Plaes to protect you. Successfully upgrade your defeces I this fast past Aviatio shoot out

  • Hustle 3Hustle 3

    Hustle 3
    The third part of the Fratic series. By hordes of Eemies, I blast their way this fast-paced, shoot-em-up.

  • Nitro SkiNitro Ski

    Nitro Ski
    Hit the slopes in this free online game. Race as fast as you can, and take some awesome stunts.

  • Box10 ATV 3Box10 ATV 3

    Box10 ATV 3
    More ATV madness! See below how fast you can tier race through these desert without crashing.

  • Match 3 AdventureMatch 3 Adventure

    Match 3 Adventure
    3 WINS as fast as you can to play the monster attacking your hero, try combo attacks to the game.

  • Ice Cream MatchIce Cream Match

    Ice Cream Match
    serve delicious ice cream fast enough game bejeweled to the customers in this cute match 3 happy! Update your menu between levels to help!

  • Hillary vs ObamaHillary vs Obama

    Hillary vs Obama
    a fast match between Obama and Hillary. Quick punch them as often as possible!

  • Witch MuncherWitch Muncher

    Witch Muncher
    Their aim is to collect and access the pineapple as fast as you can, but avoid the bombs.

  • Box10 ATVBox10 ATV

    Box10 ATV
    You drive as fast as you can your ATV through the desert! Not to crash!

  • Pimp My Ford Focus WRCPimp My Ford Focus WRC

    Pimp My Ford Focus WRC
    This is a game for those, who love the awesome look fast cars, car. Pimp it!

  • Pimp my Koenigseg CCXPimp my Koenigseg CCX

    Pimp my Koenigseg CCX
    This is a game for those, who love the awesome look fast cars, car. Pimp it!

  • Pimp my Lamborghini GallardoPimp my Lamborghini Gallardo

    Pimp my Lamborghini Gallardo
    This is a game for those, who love the awesome look fast cars, car. Pimp it!

  • Toxie Radd 3DToxie Radd 3D

    Toxie Radd 3D
    A fast-paced zombie FPS in real time 3D rendered. Battle hordes of zombies and giant mutant bosses!

  • Rollercoaster RushRollercoaster Rush

    Rollercoaster Rush
    15 Levels to control a roller coaster. Go too fast or fly off the track!

  • Speed ShotSpeed Shot

    Speed Shot
    Car fast Hyundai Coupe drive and avoid the obstacles in the attempt to collect the artifacts. You have several levels of difficulty.

  • Empty Goal ShotsEmpty Goal Shots

    Empty Goal Shots
    Simple and fast football shootout game. Can you hit the empty goal?

  • Jewel SpinnerJewel Spinner

    Jewel Spinner
    Match the correlating jewels as fast as you can. Clear the board for large bonuses.

  • American Idol Punch OutAmerican Idol Punch Out

    American Idol Punch Out
    Punch the judges of American Idol in the face as fast as possible. Be as accurate as possible.

  • Dawn of the Celebs 2Dawn of the Celebs 2

    Dawn of the Celebs 2
    Try to fight off more Hollywood zombies with your powerful mini-gun and knuckle punch. Fast-paced shooting action and hilarious zombie combat. 

  • Highway FrenzyHighway Frenzy

    Highway Frenzy
    What would you do if your car's brakes stopped functioning in the middle of a highway full of fast cars?

  • Chicken BBQChicken BBQ

    Chicken BBQ
    Grill some chicken BBQ but be careful chicken cooks really fast.

  • Disruptive RideDisruptive Ride

    Disruptive Ride
    The Earthquake is chasing you. Drive your SUV as fast as possible and get out of the city and highway

  • Tip and run - flash puzzle gameTip and run - flash puzzle game

    Tip and run - flash puzzle game
    Complete the tasks as fast as possible, and avoid the nasty monsters See if you are CLEVER enough to beat all 30 levels.

  • Tankmen Zombie AttackTankmen Zombie Attack

    Tankmen Zombie Attack
    Protect your tower by shooting all the zombies attacking. Don't miss any, they hurt your tower fast!

  • War Machine GameWar Machine Game

    War Machine Game
    US Army needs you! Drive your Hummer through the enemy lines and reach your base as fast as possible.

  • Nuclear BikeNuclear Bike

    Nuclear Bike
    Complete levels as fast as possible to achieve maximum score points. Maximize your score by collecting bonuses and performing stunts.

  • 3D Maze3D Maze

    3D Maze
    Take the blue ball to the brown ball as fast as you can, Thats if you have the brain power to do so!!!!!!

  • Box10-ATVBox10-ATV

    Ride your ATV through the desert as fast as you can! Don't crash!

  • Big Truck Adventures 3Big Truck Adventures 3

    Big Truck Adventures 3
    In this third installment of the series, you drive an off-road jeep and your goal is to get to the checkpoint as fast as possible.

  • Ching Chong BeautifulChing Chong Beautiful

    Ching Chong Beautiful
    Race as fast as you can through each course as you try to finish with the best time.

  • Christmas In Jelly VillageChristmas In Jelly Village

    Christmas In Jelly Village
    Race as fast as you can through each course as you try to finish with the best time.

  • Hungry MarioHungry Mario

    Hungry Mario
    The main goal in the game is to collect all the green circles as fast as possible. 

  • Dirt RiderDirt Rider

    Dirt Rider
    Ride your dirt bike over various challenging courses and try to complete the them as fast as you can in this extreme dirt rider game.

  • Jump Gear GameJump Gear Game

    Jump Gear Game
    Race as fast as you can over the hills as you grab time extensions and spring to the checkpoints.

  • Pizza Shack Deluxe GamePizza Shack Deluxe Game

    Pizza Shack Deluxe Game
    Run your own restaurant and serve your customers as fast as you possibly can or lose your reputation.

  • Throw Me GameThrow Me Game

    Throw Me Game
    See how far you can sling the crazy looking alien by simply moving your Mouse from the left to the right as fast as you can for optimal flight.

  • SSSG-Winter WonderlandSSSG-Winter Wonderland

    SSSG-Winter Wonderland
    Help Sneaky find all of the crystals as fast as you can, the crystals are lost in the beautiful winter photos.Tags: crystal, hunter, find, search, puzzle, sssg, melting-mindz

Total Page : 3

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