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Play Fire Games online and free at Colouredgames.
  • The Dragons to killThe Dragons to kill

    The Dragons to kill
    The Dragos ad fight to kill fire with fire.

  • Flame warsFlame wars

    Flame wars
    Fire your lasers at the Evelopes Tracker them I watch out for Eemy fire.

  • ContactorsContactors

    Fire o Woode blocks sed it back. Try to beat, o Woode maximum fires is blocked i 2 miutes.

  • X-GunnerX-Gunner

    Use your mouse to set angle and distance and then press the left mouse button to fire the cannon. Tags: gunner, gun, shooting, cannon, fire

  • Cotse HunterCotse Hunter

    Cotse Hunter
    Destroy guilties on the freeway to get fired from your car. 

  • Naval Gun GameNaval Gun Game

    Naval Gun Game
    Fire missiles and blow up the enemy submarines and planes.

  • Table Top Cricket Table Top Cricket

    Table Top Cricket
    Fire It Up

  • Sniper  Sniper

    Of time working in counter-terrorism agents to join the arms firing training. 

  • Sea hawkSea hawk

    Sea hawk
    Fire and sinking  the ship

  • Bloody Attack of the CutiesBloody Attack of the Cuties

    Bloody Attack of the Cuties
    Defend your base as you fire your turret and explode the attacking animals.

  • Cannon Blast GameCannon Blast Game

    Cannon Blast Game
    Help Pirate Pete defeat the invading Armada by firing canonballs and sinking all the enemy ships.

  • Pigeon's Revenge GamePigeon's Revenge Game

    Pigeon's Revenge Game
    Piegon fire...

  • Armed Invasion GameArmed Invasion Game

    Armed Invasion Game

  • Backfire GameBackfire Game

    Backfire Game
    Move around the screen and deflect the balls fired at you to destroy the turrets.

  • NLOS Cannon Challenge GameNLOS Cannon Challenge Game

    NLOS Cannon Challenge Game
    Fire your cannon and try to hit all the targets with the fewest adjustments as possible.

  • Drager Safety:FirefighterDrager Safety:Firefighter

    Drager Safety:Firefighter
    Stop the fire and save the houses before it' s too late.

  • Cannibal Casserole GameCannibal Casserole Game

    Cannibal Casserole Game
    Fire Department, the castaways in the cannibal cooking pots!

  • Cannibal CasseroleCannibal Casserole

    Cannibal Casserole
    Fire of the stranded crew in the cooking pots Cannibal!

  • Aim and FireAim and Fire

    Aim and Fire
    Aim and fire are the President and his friends, hunting turkeys!

  • SRWM operation BeowulfSRWM operation Beowulf

    SRWM operation Beowulf
    Fly aroud I avoid your spaceship as you Eemy fire, how Dow Eemy to shoot ships.

  • Dragon flameDragon flame

    Dragon flame
    Blow balls of fire are on the archers, the Tryig, Dow to shoot their Flamig arrows.

  • Flugtug tournamentFlugtug tournament

    Flugtug tournament
    The goal of this game is as far as possible to fire your flying machie.

  • NET terminatorNET terminator

    NET terminator
    Shoot Dow Statioary or Movig goals download your gu ad fire, before time of RUS out.

  • Zuko: Fire LordZuko: Fire Lord

    Zuko: Fire Lord
    Zuko knowledge his fire abilities.

  • Great tournamentGreat tournament

    Great tournament
    Fire arrow her bow ad where you about results of the highest hotspots to wi.

  • Drager safety: firefighterDrager safety: firefighter

    Drager safety: firefighter
    The fire indication save to stop the houses's too late.

  • Road attackRoad attack

    Road attack
    Control your auto-o of the road as you shoot Eemies ad dodge their fire.

  • Princess Bride - fire swampPrincess Bride - fire swamp

    Princess Bride - fire swamp
    Rodet Uusual size are the least worry I the fire swamp.

  • MothsMoths

    Explore the machie Prevetig moths of Gettig Ito the gas lamps, keep the fire Burig.

  • Stoneage assassin - revengeStoneage assassin - revenge

    Stoneage assassin - revenge
    Shoot your arrows, rocks, ad fire arrows on the right targets after Readig the Missio Briefigs.

  • Wiggi world rescueWiggi world rescue

    Wiggi world rescue
    Save the world by Stompig fire.

  • Burning GalaxyBurning Galaxy

    Burning Galaxy
    Heart rate control your spaceship as you o Eemies fire coming at you from the right side of the rubble.

  • Master Blaster DeluxeMaster Blaster Deluxe

    Master Blaster Deluxe
    Fly ad grab powerups to icrease your Firig amout as you shoot Eemies ad dodge their fire.

  • 41St reality41St reality

    41St reality
    Shoot all Icomig Eemies that are displayed. Dodge their fire display, which fly towards you as you.

  • ProvidenceProvidence

    Their Mech to fly as you shoot the Eemies I in this Sidescroller. Dodge their fire for as log as you ca

  • Alien abduction 2Alien abduction 2

    Alien abduction 2
    To avoid the Eemy fire, how to use your UFOs Weapos laser all possible elements I the game.

  • Rocket engineRocket engine

    Rocket engine
    You get fired from a Cao advertisement it is your goal to lead the player through the air.

  • Cross fireCross fire

    Cross fire
    Dodge Eemy Jet fire, as other missiles OTO flying the debris. Eemy destroy nozzles grab powerups ad.

  • Critter CanonCritter Canon

    Critter Canon
    The Park ad clearly pass the goods stay! Ready, aim ad fire!.

  • SpuddyMan - revenge of the ChiefSpuddyMan - revenge of the Chief

    SpuddyMan - revenge of the Chief
    Catch the bad guys, like you they ad dodge the Eemy hunt fire. Shoot back!

  • Starfox the Flash versionStarfox the Flash version

    Starfox the Flash version
    Fly, the I Eemies, Dodge in this Sidescroller as you shoot fire, by pickup more update display.

  • Horizon of warHorizon of war

    Horizon of war
    Heart rate control of the tower at the top of the Hill. Fire at all the Icomig soldiers ad Eemy vehicles.

  • Jungle defenseJungle defense

    Jungle defense
    About the Attackig shoot driving soldiers ad. Attempts to fire her as far as possible to Dodge.

  • Gem Tower DefenseGem Tower Defense

    Gem Tower Defense
    A revolver Defese game with gems, the fire on the Icomig shaft of Eemies. Aim it carefully!

  • Alien Devil guardAlien Devil guard

    Alien Devil guard
    To the Icomig Eemies I want to shoot this top Dow previously spaceship shooter. Watch out for rapid fire.

  • Black Bart islandBlack Bart island

    Black Bart island
    Fire your Cao Cao balls display play to trimmers they colors before they reach the X, or Blackbeard's passage will be ever revealed!

  • SiegerSieger

    Fire and try to bring the buildings and the enemies. Avoid to kill hostages

  • Terrordactyl CarnivoreTerrordactyl Carnivore

    Terrordactyl Carnivore
    Your enemies go defeating about it. spit fire and destroy the domes, before they in not want to convert.

  • Mo'bike!Mo'bike!

    Pull back the throttle, and the ramp - not too much upside or you pull a wheelie - and jump the buses, the ring of fire and the generator!

  • Moto RushMoto Rush

    Moto Rush
    ride your bike on the road, shoot enemies and their fire to avoid. Grab power-ups!

  • WinnerWinner

    Fire display try Brig Dow the Buildigs display of Eemies. Avoid Kamara hostages

  • Kim possible: Super Villain face offKim possible: Super Villain face off

    Kim possible: Super Villain face off
    A game similar to bubble bobble. Fire balls-ext on other balls with the same Eemy face o them.

  • Engage And DestroyEngage And Destroy

    Engage And Destroy
    Fire your guns exactly right, so that they the other sailing vessel, taken before they hit you.

  • Medieval SmashMedieval Smash

    Medieval Smash
    Fire on the castle to kill the enemies! But not the hostages to kill!

  • SputnikSputnik

    Sputnik Is a satelite from where you have to fire an object and make it go the longest distance possible!

  • Avatar - Ashes in the AirAvatar - Ashes in the Air

    Avatar - Ashes in the Air
    Help Aang and katara save the town by stopping the fire from burning to ashes.

  • Rapid FireRapid Fire

    Rapid Fire
    Rapid Fire. Score point by shooting targets as they come on screen!

  • Olympic Torch RelayOlympic Torch Relay

    Olympic Torch Relay
    Your Olympic torch reminds me of Tibet! Put out that fire!

  • Sieger GameSieger Game

    Sieger Game
    fire and try to bring down the buildings and enemies. Do not kill hostages

  • Rocket BoosterRocket Booster

    Rocket Booster
    You get fired out of a cannon and it is your aim to guide the player through the air.

  • Wild Fire 2Wild Fire 2

    Wild Fire 2
    FORESTFIRE!!! Pick up the forest animals in your helicopter but watch out for the fires!

  • Fire 2Fire 2

    Fire 2
    Fire your turret and keep the stickmen away. Blast the wave after wave of enemies that are attacking.

  • Fire PrincessFire Princess

    Fire Princess
    The fire fairy's magical clothes are made of flames and lava. Can you help her pick the most beautiful dress and some matching accessories?

  • Zelda Invaders 2 Zelda Invaders 2

    Zelda Invaders 2
    Play Space Invaders remixed with Zelda world sprites. Keep Link alive as you fire your bow.

  • Clone EffectClone Effect

    Clone Effect
    Create clones of your spaceship that fire as you did. Destroy all the enemies that appear on screen.

  • Great Tournament GameGreat Tournament Game

    Great Tournament Game
    Fire your bow and arrow as far as you can. Score the highest points to win.

  • Canicas GameCanicas Game

    Canicas Game
    Using a special ball launcher, fire colored balls, make matches, clear the playing field and advance to the next level.

  • Moto Rush GameMoto Rush Game

    Moto Rush Game
    Drive your motorcycle down the street shooting enemies and avoiding their fire. Grab powerups!

  • Hazard GameHazard Game

    Hazard Game
    Move around the levels with your turret. Blast yourself around and watch out for enemy fire.

  • Hero Tank GameHero Tank Game

    Hero Tank Game
    Use the arrow keys to move, space to fire, p-pause game, s-sounds on/off.

  • Net Terminator GameNet Terminator Game

    Net Terminator Game
    Shoot down at stationary or moving targets. Reload your gun and fire before time runs out .

  • Ben 10 Fire BallBen 10 Fire Ball

    Ben 10 Fire Ball
    Ben Ten Legend is coninue. Blow the fire ball.

  • Stunt HamsterStunt Hamster

    Stunt Hamster
    StuntHamster is ready for action. Shoot the hamster out of the cannon and fire him during his flight to hit a new highscore!Tags: hamster, fly, stunt, stunhamster, distance, fire, lighter, cannon, shoot, reach, distance, range, funy, easy, action, cute

  • Electric boyElectric boy

    Electric boy
    Lord of fire steel electric Geerator of our city. Help Electric Boy Fid Lord of fire ad to get back Geerator to save the city. Use your mouse poit indicator click a Chai Actios ad Reactios Causig.

  • Fire engineFire engine

    Fire engine
    Beig the best display of the oly fire-Ma, I have to carry is your task to fill up your truck ad, the ru to the rescue of the tow, every time, when a fire is reported.

  • Beavis and Butt-head: Bug justiceBeavis and Butt-head: Bug justice

    Beavis and Butt-head: Bug justice
    The bugs are coming! Display you WAT your dam Cady, dumb-ass. Make the BUR feel with the Magifyig glass, you stolen by pricipal practiced's Office. Fire! Fire! You teach this error ruled. What remains Cady at the ED of every roud = cool Bous hotspots for you.

  • Dralion elementsDralion elements

    Dralion elements
    Suspeded I time between the last display the future Dralio is a Celebratio life display the four elements that Mai Tai atürliche-order: air, water, fire Earth. Their challege to uite, the four elements of Coquerig the challeges gods fire, water, Earth ad air set.

  • Eli bomberEli bomber

    Eli bomber
    Fight with fire fire I this explosive game of speed-display capability. I Eli bomber, need to bomb your Eemies before you bombard you. To Avigate the maze screen, use the arrow keys SPACEBAR to place bombs. Ru home whe a bomb place you kill your Explosios your Eemies, ad are you also kill them. Destroy all Eemies to FID key on Ext. With 10 levels to beat, Eli really bomber is the bomb!

  • Fire TruckFire Truck

    Fire Truck
    Carefully drive your fire truck filled with water over the terrain and put out the fires.

  • Kitten CanonsKitten Canons

    Kitten Canons
    Launch the kitten as far as possible.Just aim the cannon using the up/down cursor keys and use space to fire. The red bar on the cannon indicates the power of your shot. Leave the rest to gravity and other objects along the way.

  • Vanessa's Naughty PicsVanessa's Naughty Pics

    Vanessa's Naughty Pics
    Follow superstar Vanessa around the world and try to get the best selling pictures.Do your part to feed America´s obsession with pop culture and celebrity.Take your time to make the best pictures you can. If your pictures are not good enough you may get fired from the job.

  • Animal WarsAnimal Wars

    Animal Wars
    Like Worm games? You should evolve, dude! Angry goats, slimy slugs, fire ants and poopy gorillas wage war against each other. Battle across America, my friends!

  • Operation ChaosOperation Chaos

    Operation Chaos
    Operation Chaos is the ultimate space shootout. Don't worry about getting carpal tunnel syndrome while firing your weapon - your guns are always on, all the time! Instead, use the mouse button to enter super-slomo bullet time to dodge the dense clouds of shrapnel all around you. Each level presents different challenges, but they all have one solution: shoot to kill!

  • Fire Truck 2Fire Truck 2

    Fire Truck 2
    You must race against time, to collect water and to save the buildings on fire. After every two level's you unlock 2 new truck.

  • SokoTankSokoTank

    Fire at all the soldiers with your tank and gunman. Don't let them get close or they'll setup a bomb

  • ArtilleryArtillery

    Adjust power and angle to fire at the enemy tanks. Watch that wind direction! Single player only.

  • ParabirdsParabirds

    You defend the sky for all kind of Beaver as the pesky birds your territory with elite paratroopers are fire. Aboard the Beaver cannon and shoot your feathered aggressors.

  • Green Beret Castle AssaultGreen Beret Castle Assault

    Green Beret Castle Assault
    Their military capabilities is tested in this game, as you shoot soldiers, removing deliveries in life launched, can collect the air so much experience from your allies to make weapons with more fire damage.

  • Water BuboyWater Buboy

    Water Buboy
    The village of water Buboys is o fire! Help him save his people by Sprayig the flames with his water hose. This is a set amout water you ca of use for each level, so make sure you should in the o.

  • Fort Blaster: PuzzleFort Blaster: Puzzle

    Fort Blaster: Puzzle
    Fort Blaster: Puzzle refers to the pirate-themed physics game, Fort-Blaster: Ahoy are. Fire regular ad explosive Caoballs in Eemy fortresses, to kill the soldiers. Collect cois, they appear to kill soldiers to destroy ad whe Certai objects. Some levels of Cotai Uique collectables, such as Weapos, jewels, Boes, clothing, ad food. Use to avoid any Fortress desig your ad Advatage Lear from your mistakes to RUIG from Ammuitio.

  • Valet ParkingValet Parking

    Valet Parking
    You must make some extra cash so that you are the latest Valet attendant at the local country club. Make sure that you parking the Member cars carefully otherwise the damage come out of your pocket. Bash the cars to much and you'll get fired.

  • Train shootoutTrain shootout

    Train shootout
    Click to shoot at o Daakus on them. If you allow to enter the Daakus Earer on the Trai, they will fire at you. < br > take out before they take you out.

  • War of gunsWar of guns

    War of guns
    Feel the thrill of a tactical war Gus. Use a Combiatio of military strategy ad massive firepower Tower I this sci fi Defese game. 3 Powerful Weapo purchase types: Robos, customer, display. Fire o your Eemies with strategically placed Robos ad customer. Plat fall down Eemy makes to reduce. Ulock is 6 different guys ad protect. The war of the CIS is startig. Are you ready to defeat your Eemy?

  • Love carsLove cars

    Love cars
    Automotive Braitrai city ad Guild must the player put his skills to the test with a quick fire automotive game the faster you aswer a Questio correctly or complete the task, the more poit result you.

  • Play for moneyPlay for money

    Play for money
    Always wated to be a Millioaire? Test your Fiacial-Kow-like whe you play for Moey, Moey Maagemet a board game. Choose your loose change like Ivest. OCÉ make your Ivestmet, the cube roles display testing your luck AGAIST the market. Facing the Coted with fire, flood, surprise, ad predator as you are working your way aroud Board. Game for Moey Olie util your bak balace tops a million. Just let it press 0 (zero), or become a Bakrupt!

  • BobbingBobbing

    BOBBING is a unique fast-paced, addictive game with simple touch screen controls. Reverse the gravity and switch colors to clear challenging levels. Collect bonus pieces and don't get caught by the blazing fire to get the highest score! This game is a Unity game and added 3D Games category.

  • Air combat SIMAir combat SIM

    Air combat SIM
    His Secod world war & you're a Loe pilot I the sky. The best that there is, fight, shoot to kill. Their Lo Maeuver Eemy fire to avoid display mid air of Collisios. Quickly went super war time Flight Simulator game.

  • DevilishDevilish

    Match the jewels I this colorful puzzle game. Creating the combo box-ad-making the gems cascaded will reach the high score. Match display more gems together create special gems that explode, Lightig ad more fire.

  • Avatar Fire Nation Barge BarrageAvatar Fire Nation Barge Barrage

    Avatar Fire Nation Barge Barrage
    You conquer Earth and water tribes with Prince Airbender resource, by you the fire nation barge. Simply select you want to attack the village and then walk until you sign up for the fight. the villagers are harder to conquer if their defense are high. Littered save shipwrecked of Firebenders by the waters to form your team. Use their bending energy throw fireballs to enemy's walls. Watch out for golems and sea dragons to and collect power-ups necessary.

  • Battle BuggyBattle Buggy

    Battle Buggy
    Battle buggy is a small car with an error weapon equipped. Objective is to Dodge incoming fire in the shooting down of the air raid. from time to time is your buggy to levelling, and you get your tank to update machine guns or nuclear weapons.

  • BedazzledBedazzled

    Meet the jewels in this colorful puzzle game. Create the combo and make any gems, to reach the high score. Match more gems together and create special gems which explode, fire Flash.

  • Death OfficeDeath Office

    Death Office
    in the workplace can be dangerous with crazy dolls! help Mr. puppet boss to kill all puppets? make happy him and kill you all work Ragdolls to before they steal much money! They ıt Pucket puppet payday! kill dolls in the Office of death with Office supplies, computer, fire alarms, and more... Remember to recycle!

  • Ignite People on FireIgnite People on Fire

    Ignite People on Fire
    Deep in your heart lays a burning sensation. Try as you can, it is uncontrollable because soon even desperate this Ember with colleagues you peeps in a violent, enthusiastic bout to share.Follow up to "Light people on fire", it is a new system of speed. The more burn, that more increases the speed bar. The faster you go the more you score.

  • Luchador Cannon BlastLuchador Cannon Blast

    Luchador Cannon Blast
    Match up the mysterious masked Luchador wrestler in this match-3 puzzle game. The wrestler from the cannon fire and make sure that they don't collapse the stage

  • Codename BallisticCodename Ballistic

    Codename Ballistic
    The mission is carried out at all costs, so strengthen soldier! Click and set the power behind your shot, then release holding fire! Neutralize all to stop enemy units to complete a level. And remember: the fewer shots it takes, the more points you will be guests!

  • Mercenary Camp: PrologueMercenary Camp: Prologue

    Mercenary Camp: Prologue
    3D First Person Shooter (3D FPS) with many types of enemies, weapons and shooting gallery locations.Tags: Shooting, Shooter, FPS, First Person Shooter, Kill, Shoot, Fire, Weapon, Weapon, Soldier, Soldiers, Troop, Troops, Mercenary

  • Treasure Cutlass Reef GameTreasure Cutlass Reef Game

    Treasure Cutlass Reef Game
    You are the commander of this pirate ship, you can mobe and rotate with the A,w,d or the arrow keys. To fire the cannons, press the space, f or ctrl key.

  • Sea Of Fire 2 GameSea Of Fire 2 Game

    Sea Of Fire 2 Game
    Second version of the Sea of Fire game. Click on the empty tiles to the left to construct buildings, use them to defend your base from enemy and to produce units to attack them.

  • Kinetikz 2 GameKinetikz 2 Game

    Kinetikz 2 Game
    Kinetikz 2 is a fun and addictive game of skill and strategy. Fire discs at the puck to guide it to the target. Starts easy – but be warned, it gets quite challenging! See if you can complete all 30 levels!

  • Castle SmasherCastle Smasher

    Castle Smasher
    Load up your catapult, aim and fire stones at your enemies castles on a quest to conquer the kingdom. Travel from castle to castle as you perfect the art of tearing down enemy walls.Tags: aim, shoot, castle, catapult

  • Bongo BallsBongo Balls

    Bongo Balls
    A topdown arcade game where you control a bubble cannon placed in the middle of the screen. Your objective is to aim and fire bubble balls towards the other moving balls so they form a group of 3 or more connected balls. You will advance to the next level once you cleared all balls on the screen.

  • Burning Galaxy GameBurning Galaxy Game

    Burning Galaxy Game
    Save your galaxy by eliminating the enemy space ships and shoot your way to success!! Game Instructions: Left mouse click to fire bullets, W and Spacebar to drop bigger artillery and bombs.

  • Arrow Knight GameArrow Knight Game

    Arrow Knight Game
    Help the knight through the forest to finish his journey,watch over your arrow it's limited. Enjoy! Up arrow : jump down arrow : quickly down space bar : normal arrow Z : 3 arrows at once c : Fire arrow.

  • World On FireWorld On Fire

    World On Fire
    The world is invaded by fire creatures, and the only one able to stop them is you! Collect elemental powers by matching the tokens. Use your powers to defeat your enemies.

  • Quarter Back Carnage GameQuarter Back Carnage Game

    Quarter Back Carnage Game
    Full on Quarterback action! Time to bite the dust or dig into some carnage! Instructions : Use your MOUSE to AIM. LEFT CLICK to FIRE.

  • 981 Game981 Game

    981 Game
    This is an addictive puzzle game where you've to extinguish fire at the house before the time runs out. But the challenge is to connect the different pieces of water pipe between the water outlet and the hose.

Total Page : 2

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