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Play Military Strategy Games online and free at Colouredgames.
  • Battle of LemoladBattle of Lemolad

    Battle of Lemolad
    My Lord! It is time for us to embark on the military campaign to conquer all the Kingdoms in Lemolad. Use your matching and military strategy skills to invade hostile castles, build up your own city, train/upgrade troops such as soldiers, archers, cavalry and use magic with your mages. Features both Campaign Mode and Deathmatch.

  • Battlefield ChallengeBattlefield Challenge

    Battlefield Challenge
    This may be your last chance, train, and learn how to use the military strategy to win the war. The game you all need, weapons and maps, power and energy. Their aim is to manage all of this proud and show us, you're as talented in the art of war. Good luck!

  • War of gunsWar of guns

    War of guns
    Feel the thrill of a tactical war Gus. Use a Combiatio of military strategy ad massive firepower Tower I this sci fi Defese game. 3 Powerful Weapo purchase types: Robos, customer, display. Fire o your Eemies with strategically placed Robos ad customer. Plat fall down Eemy makes to reduce. Ulock is 6 different guys ad protect. The war of the CIS is startig. Are you ready to defeat your Eemy?

  • Tree troopersTree troopers

    Tree troopers
    Their Missio I this real time strategy game on the forest of Huma Coloizatio ad defed is destroying the may factory. Eemies protect tree Earth from harmful balls ad ad destroy all TAKS for peace preserved. Build your structures, your military structures will produce troops. AD your troops are Goig attack on Eemy factories.

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