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Play Tactical Games online and free at Colouredgames.
  • Tactical Assassin 3Tactical Assassin 3

    Tactical Assassin 3
    An other great "sniping" tactical Asassins game in the series!

  • Tactical assassin substratumTactical assassin substratum

    Tactical assassin substratum
    More Missios, your tactical Assassiatio skills to test!

  • S.W.A.T 2 - Tactical SniperS.W.A.T 2 - Tactical Sniper

    S.W.A.T 2 - Tactical Sniper
    as a tactical sniper pro you must achieve various missions in the shooter game SWAT 2 and reading the briefings inevitable this time!

  • War of gunsWar of guns

    War of guns
    Feel the thrill of a tactical war Gus. Use a Combiatio of military strategy ad massive firepower Tower I this sci fi Defese game. 3 Powerful Weapo purchase types: Robos, customer, display. Fire o your Eemies with strategically placed Robos ad customer. Plat fall down Eemy makes to reduce. Ulock is 6 different guys ad protect. The war of the CIS is startig. Are you ready to defeat your Eemy?

  • S.W.A.T.S.W.A.T.

    Elist I S.W.A.T. Factio ad eter the role of squad member & quot;.Jack & quot;. Cover for a tactical Advatage, fight your way through waves of terrorists, ad ear uber sick Weapory as you progress through the levels.

  • Counter SpecialistCounter Specialist

    Counter Specialist
    It's a war going and the Government needs you to some dangerous Tactical espionage! Part of the terrorist base, take out all opposition, have to save about bombs and the hostages!

  • Telepath psy arenaTelepath psy arena

    Telepath psy arena
    Tactical battles with a team of characters from the world of Telepath RPG. Wi battles, Moey wi, Trai me, Ulock balls, ad Domiate degree Touramet by Raviale! Psy area < br > < br > used the Telepath RPG Chapter 3 combating Egie, Featurig icer graphics, intelligent Eemies, display a variety of awesome ew UITS.

  • Ederon: Turning tideEderon: Turning tide

    Ederon: Turning tide
    Edero is a simple but wide display Fu direct massive multiplayer Olie collectible card game, you play ca. Havig eight different classes to choose, display a very tactical hybrid strategy, the possibilities are almost Edless. Turig tide is Brad-ew-Expasio Edero-series. This ew versio Icludes Hudreds ew - features like a Brad ew lobby, fried list, challeges, decks CLAS ad 8 Brad ew desire.

  • Aliens: The Board gameAliens: The Board game

    Aliens: The Board game
    This dark roud based alie Fightig game is a very tactical OE! Move your team ad on Commad on fire on the hordes of evil alie.

  • XenoSquadXenoSquad

    Command a squad of Marines in this 3d tactical battle game. Lead your troops into this strange 3d planet. Command them well so that they will realize every mission.

  • School WarsSchool Wars

    School Wars
    It is the first tactical now. School wars, which you have your troop command. capture the important sites, grow the team and fight opposing groups to.

  • Swordfall: KingdomsSwordfall: Kingdoms

    Swordfall: Kingdoms
    The shadow of the sword has fallen across Europe. Ambitious kingdoms increase and their armies are willing to take new countries at all costs. To triumph over your many rivals have superior technology, great generals and armies experienced. Combine all this with your own tactical ability and the battlefield will sell!

  • Tactical Assassin 2Tactical Assassin 2

    Tactical Assassin 2
    They are the elite sniper of an organization that is assigned to various missions. Read the briefings carefully know how to reach your goals.Take your goals quickly and efficiently without a trace leaving.Try, all nine missions clearly!

  • Tactical Assassin 2 GameTactical Assassin 2 Game

    Tactical Assassin 2 Game
    Slowly but carefully lock onto each of your targets and take each of them down with one shot. As an infamous stick figure assasin, you must live up to your status by using not but deadly accuracy.

  • Invasion Tactical DefenseInvasion Tactical Defense

    Invasion Tactical Defense
    Buy a turret and army men to defend your position. Contains a large number of shop items to upgrade

  • Tactical AssassinTactical Assassin

    Tactical Assassin
    You are a murderer. Read the briefing for each mission carefully and take your goals.

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